
时间:2022-01-27 11:02:23  作者: 来源:


  Many children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think it is the responsibility of governments to solve this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?













  Nowadays, children’s behavior has been shifted substantially regarding their lifestyle, resulting in numerous health problems among them. Some people believe that authorities should be in charge of addressing these concerns, but I disagree with this statement.

  It can be justified that the administration should play their part in alleviating the situation. This is because overweight children are more vulnerable to chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, which would lead to the progressive deterioration in the quantity and quality of the future workforce of a nation. Therefore, the authority should impose dissuasive measures to mitigate this trend, for example, levying a surcharge on fast-food chain stores and setting up a minimum age for using electronic devices, which would eventually contribute to a healthier generation.

  However, this does not automatically mean that the heavy burden should be exclusively shouldered by the government. After all, schools and parents have a direct impact on a child’s growth, particularly in terms of lifestyle and eating habits. Therefore, they should also be liable for the youngsters’ fitness. On the one hand, driven by the fierce competitions, some schools merely focus on academic disciplines while overlooking the importance of physical education. In this way, students are likely to develop a sedentary lifestyle and consequently a higher overweight rate resulted from the reduction in the exercise time at school. On the other hand, working parents nowadays spend less time monitoring their children’s diet, so that these young people who are lack of self-discipline have more chances to consume takeaways high in saturation fat and sugar, leading to excessive calorie intake and a homogeneous nutritional structure. All these factors illustrate the indispensable roles that schools and parents should play in helping the young generation establish a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

  In conclusion, I firmly believe that the government, school and parents all should take actions to safeguard children against obesity and unhealthy lifestyles.


  diabetes 糖尿病

  hypertension 高血压

  progressive deterioration 逐步恶化

  dissuasive 劝诫性的

  mitigate 缓解

  levy a surcharge 征收附加税

  intake 摄入

  takeaway 外卖

  saturation fat 饱和脂肪

  homogeneous 单一的

  sedentary lifestyle 久坐不动的生活方式


关键字:雅思课程、 雅思培训

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