
时间:2023-05-29 11:24:18  作者:网络 来源:网络






听力 Part1

1. bring cash because you cannot use credit card
2. stay at least 4 days
3. caravan tour
4. went sailing
5. must going to the museum
6. white mountai
8. 在山上的café吃cakes
9. rent a car
10. buy a map in advance

听力 Part2





听力 Part3




21-24 选择

21. the tutor likes the topic because

B. other students will be interested in the topic

22. when interviewees listen to songs of the teenager music, you should ask

B. whom the songs remind you of

23. the research is the first to

A. include so many participants

24. Sarah doubts the finding because

C. its data may be unreliable

25-30 匹配

25. background research: C. too detailed (too many facts)

26. other similar research: B. respondents are not interested (too dull)

27. research topic: G. not fit everyone

28. market research: D. incomplete statistics

29. presentation: E. needs more expert opinion

30. future research: F. make it more relevant


听力 Part4




31. amber produces resin to protect itself against insects and fungi

32. it has formed from volcanic dust and mineral in soil

33. the condition to form amber include pressure, heat, and time

34. the mid-product copal was formed during the intermediate stage

35. it is often formed in the sea

36. the ancient Greek believed that water and air found in the amber was trapped in sunlight

37. here is a special one in every 1000

38. it can be used to make jewelry, necklace, but should be set in silver settings

39. when it was mingled with powder and honey, the medicine can prevent the disease such a plague

40. it can also be used as building material

阅读 Passage1






阅读 Passage2




阅读 Passage3














Professional workers like doctors and teachers should be paid more than sports and entertainment personalities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Many people work hand in hand to construct our society. While doctors, nurses and teachers contribute greatly to the community, persons in the entertainment and sports industry add relaxation and enjoyment to our lives. Although the distribution of payment to these groups has always been debated, I personally disagree to the fact that the former group must be given higher remuneration than the latter.
In my opinion, the way the media portrays the celebrities has made their public images gone down. Although they have made to the nation significant contritubitions such as achieving international sporting success which is equally important to the whole country, the media often focuses on their glamorous lifestyle and wealth only to attract more viewers and readers. This has resulted in the perception that celebrities earn too much but contribute less. Therefore, comparing the contributions of both sides is superficial and it is the responsibility of the media to shift the focus back to what these celebrities have dedicated to the society.
Undoubtedly, doctors and nurses are a crucial part of everyone's life since they deliver health care to the people, helping them to maintain good health with immediate and adequate care while teachers seed knowledge, social as well as moral values in children, which is nationally vital. It is definitely a service-oriented group whose significance cannot be downsized. However, it is not practical to pay them higher as they are more in count and thus offering higher payments to them may bring financial burden to the nation and then strike its economy. 
Morever, there are two reasons why individuals in the entertainment and sports field deserve high payment. Firstly, not all of them are getting handsome perks. Celebrities, who gain immense popularity, success and importance from the public, are comparatively minimal in number and they are the lucky few who are paid higher. Secondly,  these public figures get their huge reward as a price of acceptance and appreciation from fans, rather than from the government, for their hard work. Thus, government has minimal role in such rewards and it does not have a significant impact on the nation's economy. 
In conclusion, although it is true that doctors, nurses and teachers are the cornerstones of a nation's development, they cannot be paid more than the individuals in sports and entertainment industry due to their number. However, government can take initiative to ensure ethical and scientific payment policy for them and also appreciate individuals who contribute extraordinarily in the form of rewards, so that they will be happy to continually extend their benefit to the community.
construct our society
social and moral values
affect the stability 
strike its economy
handsome perks 可观的津贴
public figure 公众人物
Nowadays, there are many celebrities who are famous for their glamour and wealth rather than achievements and this sets a bad example for young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




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